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Sunday, September 13, 2009
Day 1: missing ♥
Been staying the whole weekend at Bii's... wana spend tym wf him as much as possible before he leave *sob sob*

8th sept - accompany Bii cut his hair arh maggie after class.. i said to him better gunting rambut b4 blayar since i heard his daddy say haircut the UK mahal iatah the bro msa study d sna rmbut pun pjg.. hee after dri maggie, we when to supa save bli kebab for sungkai n mooncake.. sja mau merasa mooncake since Bii said it
s yummy apa lg if the mooncake ada double yolk.. sigh Foods.. i've been stuffing lotsa foods inside my tummy wenever im wf him.. hahahaha

9th Sept - Bii send me to school since he go bndr jua ntar his lappy bcoz bluetooth error.. then after school, we when jln2 heehee sekali we wen to Charles n Keith the mall.. nothing catches my eye.. then we went to qlap since i wana try sungkai d Lemongrass.. been craving for Tomyam.. c noi pernah ckp d tomyam nyaman iath 1st tym kn mkn sna.. we book n order our food awal so bila sungkai
kmi dtg sna, the food dh ready hee..

Then we when to Hua Ho manggis cari sweater for Bii tp nada.. n we when to Charles n Keith sna, the heels hot wa d sna n the begs too!! There's one beg that catches my eye n to my surprise that beg catchs his eye jua hee then he bought it for our anniversary in advance since he would not be here wf me on our anniversary huhu.. sweet of u syg Bii.. Cinta kmu sgt2!!

After that we went to Lemongrass for our sungkai hee nyaman the tomyam.. Bii had Buttermilk chicken.. seriously nyaman mknan nya.. hee Smbut anniversary in advance sigh.. miss kmu love *BigtightHugs*

10 Sept - Lyk usuall Bii send me to school.. last day he send me to school *sob sob* lalalaalalala~~ After school, we when to Qlap at Artly Design since Bii mencari sweater i bet sna ada stuff yg lawa utk d bwa k UK.. I bought him shawl... in case it's cold in UK, u can use the shawl Bii hee i noe me pndai haha lawa2 bju d sna... the price pun not so bad hee tp nada sweater..

After that, we continue hunting for sweater.. nx place we when to Batu Bersurat at Wardrobe Inc.... at last ada sweater lawa2 sna.. then i Bought this Brown sweater wf Letter "D" for anniversary Gift from me to him.. since he also lyk the sweater.. muahz

Then we when to YihFa, pickup his lappy bru tah siap kna baiki the Bluetooth then went back to his place before sungkai sal the mummy cook dishes for him jux lyk the dishes that she usually made for 1st day Hari Raya.. ='( sweet the mummy... sekali after sungkai, main badil n bunga api wf the nieces..
then after that im off to wonderland.. sorie love me tdo awal.. naleh me lgpun i wana recharge my mind for HRM hahaa..

11 Sept - sleep for 12hrs.. today's the last day i sleep here huhu.. n im ready doing revision for HRM test this saturday.. memory overload haha khatam eh bnar the whole 4 topics huhu.. Tnx love for being there dgni me uat revision.. then sempat lg conference chatting dgn drg tah milin bala toh yong n u syg hee.. NO one gets left behind.. our quote hee..

12 Sept - the day's come.. didn't sleep since last night sal uat revision for today's HRM test... before im off to school had my last hug wf Bii.. sigh.. the test was so ntah ah.. amin jua pass.. AMIN..

Then i went to RS, take a nap since i didn't sleep since last nyte... tdo til 430pm, Bii smpai dh airport check in huhu then me ready2 with drg mai noi n pjul go to aiport.. sorie love me aher dtg.. berat rasa me kn ntar Bii k airport huhu but at least i came ryt hee walaupun aher kul 6pm.. sempat pun tani had our sungkai together at express hee.. Bii, sweet ah our frens came dgni ntar Bii off to UK.. tnx kmu - Mai&Pjul, Noi, Milin&Tah, Yong Toh and Awin&Boi...

After send Bii off at 730pm, went back to KB since Bii nada kn dgni me Jln2 huhu... then 1 msg in, i tought Bii msg me rupanya bukan... huhu Ejah msg me saying "Be strong Sister n take care" Awwmaigodd... emotionally breakdown wa me tarus tym driving lg tu... hatu ka me inda nangis tym d airport msa dgn Bii.. Aishh msg tu plg uat me nangis.. Damn haha im cool apakn~~

13 Sept - receive 1st msg dri Bii tym saur saying Bii smpai d dubai huhu... then at 830am pg Kubur d KB.. biasa la before raya, lawat kubur our belove relative.. =)

then had sungkai at home wf the cousins... n Bii smpai dh the newcastle at 7pm.. Study well Bii!!

Ailebiu Mohamad Rusdi Bin Manap...

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LolaBelle ♥ 6:17 AM
Monday, September 07, 2009
im gonna miss u my JIM CLANCY ♥
Time is running so fast.. TWO more months left for the big exam to come.. gotta work harder for it =)

not forget to mention c love ku blayar this sat for his study in UK.. gonna miss u love..
*sob sob*

study hard for your future.. n i will study for mine future hoho.. Don't worry i'll be good girl waiting for u to some back.. I'll hold on to u cause you're my Jim Clancy remember hee... *bighug*

sexy Jim clancy.. woot woots.. grrr

what i've been doing for the previous day hmmph...

1st Sept - Sungkai millennium wf Bii n his mumy n sister.. the food was quite yummy cause it was international foods.. so mostly i eat the seafood n lamb... huhu feed my tummy apakn.. seriously during puasa i've been stuffing a lot of food inside my tummy.. ngapa ka ia?? haha

2nd Sept - Sungkai escapade wf Bii n my bro.. at last huhu tercapai jua hajat kn mkn lobster bsarr huhu quite ok la the lobster tpnya simple sja msakan nya sal they cook it wf oyster sause jd rasa nya mcm biasa ja.. janji merasa hoho..

3rd Sept - Sungkai ET wf mum dad n eyo.. actually mau mkn the food court mall tpnya by 5pm dh full the tables.. crazeyyy bh org bndr ne.. suka sgt mkn luarr.. different from wat i see in KB huhu last last sungkai ET plg.. then after sungkai dgni my parent buy grocerry stuff for baking Biscuit huhu.. =)

5th Sept - when to bndar with Bii.. dgni ia ntar kwn nya BGC depart to UK.. met Willy Toh hee ia ntar adi nya k UK jua.. rmai la jua org the airport kn blayar.. apa usulnya ahh on the real day.. huhu SIGH.... im not soo ready for the real day!! watever...

after that sungkai capers with drg milin n tah.. batah inda jmpa drg huhu.. cian la drg sungkai at 8am.. fully book wa capers but drg ok waiting.. haha rasa jua kn mkn caperss together.. Then we go home sal aher dh.. Bii ntar me k umh..

Today nothing much to do.. dgni mum uat bscuit cornflakes n popia horlicks.. later start uat HRM.. need to do it asap huhu..

nw webcam wf Biii heee.. misshh u loveee

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LolaBelle ♥ 1:17 AM
Sunday, July 12, 2009

AFter all the hard tym... Puhhhh... hehe away from assignment and test.. heee woots woots allalalaa~~

Ytrde got doa selamat at my place because my sis juin and my bro got job... CONGRATS to them.. i invite JB to our place huhu.. i told u so, u'll be accepted by my family heee.. u see it wasn't so bad =)

Heart u..

LolaBelle ♥ 1:39 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Its getting closerr..
Wake up this morning.. accompany the boyfie take his Ielts result the kiarong today..
cian ia got butterfly all the way till reach the destination huhu and.. dup dap dup dap =)

I just wana say im soo proud of you Bii .. congrats for your first IELTS attempt..
like i say u'll go through it just like u went through ur eng olvl n gp alvl.. told u so hee
Hearts u so much Bii.. i'll owez be there to support u!! *smooch*

after that went jln2 to mall.. Bii dgni me flats hunting.. yay!! Bida my flats dh.. my sliper lg hancur dh inda dpt pkai lg.. iatah av to buy new one.. N i found it *Big smile* mau jua la wana whitey still nada colour lain yg terpakai bh as in nada yg match my skin color hee..

then after that went to dner at new qlap escapade hee.. yum yum.. heaven for the tummy
after dner, went back home... zzzzzzz heee naada wa men petsociety dlu.. check facebook den blogging.. lastlyyyy zzzzzz

Ciao.. miss you Bii


LolaBelle ♥ 10:12 AM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Im leaving my Fingerprints .....
im having my holidays ryt now... wuhuuu

need to work on my asignment *sigh* 2 assignment & 1 presentation coming up.. but b4 start doing it wana tke a break from work 1st.. chill yo.. =) playing my pet Micha ryt now heee..

Wat i've been up to for the past few days?? Hmph.. let me recall back.. lalala~~

26thMac - Buy present for Bala hee.. n went for escapade-ing wf the Birthday Buii..

The Birthday Buiii

Me & Bii

29thMac - Jln2 wf my parent aft had my appointmnt wf the Doc... then went home and help my mum wf the housework.. hee love you mum.. my pleasure in helping u

30thMac - The class was boring.. den ptg nya went for swimming wf syg Bii.. hee it's been a long tym inda swim.. den aftat dgni Bii survey brg.. n off to dneerrrrr at KFC coz i got a free voucher 1 chip n 1 zinger.. tanx to Amy Fary for the voucher.. then balik tdo.. biasa lerr kenyang den tdo la haha.. ZzzZZzz

31stMac - went for lunch dgn drg leena n tiqtiq d koperasi serusop.. batah dh inda mkn sna.. slalu mkn sna tym attachment.. hee den ptg nya amyfar present =)

sunyi my hp sal low batt.. duh~~ haha rupanya syg Bii turun bndr sal dgni kwn nya.. n spend the nyte wf him.. went to mall sal the bstfen's gf mau survey heels.. den went to charcoal's the bestfwen treat us.. yumyum.. thanks for the treat anyway..

Pic of Me nothing to do haha

1stApril - I know we shouldn't celebrate or play april fool.. tpnya.. not my plan anyway.. hee c far sma nick yg mastermind.. see pranks

u deserve it man... smua org sokong kmi haha woots woots.. sapa suruh buli org sja kja nya.. blueks.. apakn suka haha

2nd April - syg Bii drive me to school.. last day of school yeshhhh!!! heee suka =)
lunch at umh sewa den balik kb dgni bii's dad k workshop..

3rd April - Nothing much hapen.. wifi - ing saja.. n usai notes wuu~~ good good..

4th April - went to Bndr.. ntar notes to Faz n had lunch the CAM yayasan.. sja jln2.. then balik kb.. Watch af n arsenal menang.. nothing to watch bh..

5th April - men poker.. pet society.. d/l lagu.. apa lg hooo?? IM BORED!!

P/s : Dear Cuz Elle, miss kmu =)

LolaBelle ♥ 12:42 AM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
what makes me ♥♥♥ YOU
1. Hate it when you know what's on my mind.
2. Hate it when you try to persuade me.. *cool off tarus ne wa inda jd mrh* ppffff
3. Hate it when you know when im having a bad day.. Is it too obvious ka my face tu sedih or bad mood? eventho i smile??
4. Hate it when we argue.. but you know how to cool me off.. sygness kmu yg teramat sgt
5. Hate it when you know how to make me second-thought.. gigitan me
6. Hate it when you make me cry.. not cry cry on sad thing.. but cry when you know how to touch my
♥.. terharu
7. Hate it when you also like the same thing as i am.. haha
8. Hate it when your leaving me.. nada wa.. for your future, should support you in furthering your studies..Study Bii!!
9. Hate it when you sing me a song.. so always say im fragile haha.. terharu bh..
10. Tanx syg Bii for pampering me.. loving me.. and tahan melayan ulah me muackss hugyhugy

Syg kmu yg teramat sgt..
Mohamad Rusdi Bin Manap


LolaBelle ♥ 2:59 AM
Friday, March 06, 2009
Hellooo Marchh.. =)

Summary of the week..

2nd March - watch muvy street fighter with bii.. ok ok la
the muvy.. not bad huhu then had dinner at ideal..

3rd March - had dner at Kaizen... ermmm not bad la mcm escapade plg.. but still i prefer escapade.. huhu janji merasa ja mkn sna.. nothing much different... the surrounding environment kn sma mcm escapade..

4th March - the day's finally come... I had Butterfly in my tummy.. nerbus ku buiiiii... my first presentation for the year.. but then i manage to do it.. less then 3mins plg tp nya ntah ah..
sigh i believe i can do well.. but owhh well at least i pass hee.. =)

5th March - when to watch Watchmen with My Bii, Milin tah, toh imah & Bala.. Mish u guys so muchhy.. batah dh tani inda chill together.. rugged c Rorschach... I loike the ma
sk that he's wearing.. huhu overall the muvy is so damn unsensored.. sal ia first tym kna show the qlap mall.. drg lum screening haha adakah talorr.. not suitable for under age haha I Swear!!

Then after that jln2 d mall look for an optic shop, Bii mau check eye test for tomoro RBA test.. after that we when for dnner the Caperss.. a lot craps things hapenn.. lotsa laughter..
hahah inda sah if nada ketawa if ada the 3 stoogers huhu u noe who u are.. =) syg drg toh imah balik awl so drg inda sempat ikut dner.. huhu

Bala n his new Nokia =p

Tah & Milin

6th March - Not much happen today other than Bii got RBA test.. had Dinner at Escapade all tym favourite.. yumyum.. a pleasure to my tummy hoho..

thats all for todayy.. have to prepare my BIS-2 presentation for this coming week sigh.. byeee


LolaBelle ♥ 9:36 PM
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